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How to Build a Sales Force Using Freelancers

Discover how to effectively build, manage, and motivate a freelance sales force for your business growth and cost efficiency in this comprehensive guide.
How to build a freelance sales team



The ever-evolving business landscape has seen a dramatic rise in the freelance economy and the adoption of remote work. As companies seek innovative ways to drive growth and reach new markets, the idea of building a sales force using freelancers has emerged as a powerful strategy. This approach offers unprecedented flexibility and scalability, allowing businesses to rapidly expand their reach and respond to market changes. In this guide, we will explore how to effectively build a freelance sales force, and how doing so can help your business achieve its goals while only paying for actual sales.

Part 1: Understanding the Freelance Sales Force Model

In the rapidly changing business environment, companies are increasingly turning to freelancers to build a scalable and flexible sales force. But what exactly is a freelance sales force? A freelance sales force is essentially a team of independent sales professionals contracted to perform sales tasks and functions. Unlike traditional in-house sales teams, a freelance sales force consists of individuals who are not regular employees but work on a contract basis.

Benefits of a Freelance Sales Force

The benefits of this model are manifold. Firstly, a freelance sales force offers flexibility. As market conditions change, businesses can easily scale their sales team up or down without the constraints of traditional employment contracts. This agility allows businesses to respond quickly to opportunities and challenges. Secondly, a freelance sales force can be more cost-effective. Without the need for long-term commitments, businesses can control costs by only paying for the sales services they need, when they need them.

The freelance model also offers access to a diverse pool of talent. With the ability to hire freelancers from anywhere in the world, businesses can leverage a variety of skills and experiences that may not be available locally. Finally, a freelance sales force enables businesses to scale quickly. By tapping into a global talent pool, businesses can build a capable sales team in a fraction of the time it would take to hire and train a traditional in-house team. In the following sections, we’ll delve into how to find the right freelance sales professionals and how to effectively build and manage a freelance sales team.

Part 2: Finding the Right Freelance Sales Professionals

Building a successful freelance sales force starts with finding the right individuals. This part of the guide will walk you through identifying the essential skills and traits in a sales freelancer, finding them, evaluating potential hires, and ensuring cultural fit and integration. As you might guess, we have a lot of experience with this!

Identifying the Skills and Traits in a Sales Freelancer

Strong communication skills, self-motivation, a proven track record in sales, and the ability to understand and articulate your product or service are all key traits of a successful sales freelancer. Additionally, cultural fit should not be overlooked. Even though they might be working remotely, freelancers need to align with your company’s values and culture to foster successful relationships with your clients and other team members.

Where to Find Freelance Sales Professionals

Finding the right freelancers is the next step in building your sales force. There are several avenues to explore:

  • Online freelance platforms: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are teeming with independent professionals offering their services in a variety of fields, including sales. However, it’s worth noting that these platforms can be time-consuming as it often requires sifting through numerous profiles and proposals to find the right match.
  • Professional networking sites: LinkedIn, AngelList, and other networking sites can be useful platforms for finding experienced sales freelancers.
  • Industry-specific job boards: Websites like FlexJobs and JustRemote specialize in remote and freelance job opportunities, making them great places to find sales freelancers.
  • Social media channels: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook can also be effective tools for finding freelance talent, especially through industry-specific groups and hashtags.
  • 1840 & Company: Naturally, we would like to refer ourselves as a top choice. We offer pre-vetted, remote sales experts across 150 countries for all sales roles. By choosing us, you’re saving precious time and reducing the risk of hiring the wrong fit, as our experts are carefully selected and matched to your specific needs.

Evaluating Potential Hires

Once you’ve identified potential hires, the evaluation process begins. Look for tangible evidence of their sales success, such as previous sales figures, client testimonials, and references. Additionally, consider their industry experience, communication style, and understanding of your product or service to ensure they can represent your business effectively.

Cultural Fit and Integration

Lastly, remember the importance of cultural fit. A freelancer might have an impressive resume, but if they don’t align with your company’s values and culture, they might not be the right fit. Even in a remote and freelance setting, it’s essential to foster a sense of belonging and unity. At 1840, we can assist in ensuring this fit, facilitating a smoother integration of freelancers into your team.

Part 3: Building a Freelance Sales Team

Once you’ve found the right professionals, the next step is building your freelance sales team. This involves onboarding freelancers, integrating them into your team, and ensuring you have the right tools and technologies to support them.

Onboarding Freelancers and Integrating Them into Your Team

Onboarding is an essential part of building a strong and productive freelance sales force. It’s during this process that freelancers learn about your company, products or services, and sales processes. Effective onboarding can speed up the freelancer’s time to productivity and increase their commitment to your company. Remember to treat your freelancers as part of your team, involving them in relevant meetings and communications. This helps create a sense of belonging and promotes collaboration.

Communication Best Practices for Managing a Remote, Freelance Team

Clear and regular communication is vital when managing a remote, freelance team. Make sure to set expectations from the start about communication methods, frequency, and response times. Regular check-ins can also help you stay updated on their progress and address any issues promptly.

Tools and Technologies to Support Your Freelance Sales Force

In today’s digital world, various tools and technologies can help you manage your freelance sales force efficiently. Here are a few commonly used ones:

  • Communication tools: Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom can facilitate real-time communication and collaboration.
  • Project management tools: Platforms like Asana, Trello, and Basecamp can help manage tasks, deadlines, and progress.
  • Sales tools: An all-in-one CRM system like Salesmate, Zoho CRM, or HubSpot can support your freelance sales force in managing customer relationships and sales processes.

By effectively onboarding and integrating freelancers, maintaining clear communication, and leveraging the right tools and technologies, you can build a strong and efficient freelance sales force.

Part 4: Managing & Motivating Your Freelance Sales Force

Nurturing your freelance sales team is equally as important as assembling it. The effectiveness of your freelancers can be dramatically increased with appropriate management and motivation strategies. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of establishing clear performance goals, offering enticing incentives, and promoting team unity.

Establishing Clear Performance Goals for Freelancers

To guide your freelance sales professionals and track their success, it’s essential to establish clear, measurable performance goals. These goals should be realistic, directly tied to your company’s objectives, and mutually agreed upon. This could involve specific sales targets, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction levels.

Example Scenario: If you’re in the SaaS industry, a potential goal might be the quantity of software subscriptions sold within a specified timeframe.

Offering Enticing Incentives for Enhanced Performance

Incentives play a key role in driving freelance professionals to exceed expectations. While monetary rewards are always effective, consider other forms of recognition such as public praise for exceptional performance, opportunities for learning and growth, and offering flexibility in their work schedule.

Example Scenario: Consider implementing a “Star Freelancer” recognition for those who achieve their sales targets consistently, paired with a bonus or other perks.

Promoting Team Unity Among Freelancers

Creating a sense of team unity among freelancers can be challenging, but it’s crucial for their engagement and productivity. Regular interaction, inclusion in team activities, and fostering an environment that values their input can promote a sense of belonging.

Example Scenario: You could arrange monthly virtual team get-togethers where everyone can share their achievements, discuss issues, and feel part of the overall company success.

With well-defined performance goals, enticing incentives, and a strong sense of unity, you can nurture a freelance sales team that’s motivated and aligned with your business objectives.

Part 5: Legal & Operational Considerations

While building a freelance sales force offers many benefits, it’s crucial to be aware of the legal and operational considerations involved. This part of the guide will outline some of the key aspects to consider in this respect.

Understanding Legal Aspects of Freelance Hiring

It’s important to understand the legal implications. Different countries have different regulations regarding freelance work, and it’s vital to ensure payroll and compliance. Key aspects to consider include contracts, intellectual property rights, tax liabilities, and data privacy regulations. It’s advisable to consult with a legal expert to understand and address these aspects appropriately.

Addressing Operational Challenges

Operational challenges may arise when managing a remote, freelance sales team. These could include time zone differences, communication barriers, and maintaining consistency in sales practices. However, with proper planning, clear communication, and leveraging technology, these challenges can be effectively addressed.

Remember, while there are additional considerations when building a freelance sales force, the benefits often outweigh the challenges. By being aware of these aspects and addressing them proactively, you can ensure a smooth operation of your freelance sales team.


In conclusion, building a freelance sales force can be a strategic move for businesses looking to scale quickly, expand reach, and pay primarily for actual sales results. By identifying the right sales professionals, effectively integrating them into your team, setting clear performance metrics, providing motivation, and navigating the legal and operational considerations, you can leverage the power of freelance talent to drive your business growth. Remember, while the process may seem complex, resources like us at 1840 & Company are available to help you navigate these steps, offering a pool of pre-vetted, remote sales experts across 150 countries for all sales roles. The future of sales is increasingly flexible, remote, and freelance – and businesses that adapt stand to gain a significant competitive advantage.

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